Architectural Hardware
Strap Hinges, Stag Horn Hinges and Thumb Latches for museums, private homes and barns.
- Stag Horn hinges.
- Various sizes of hand forged nails available.
- Custom thumblatch.
- Custom thumblatch.
- Custom thumblatch.
- Custom thumblatch.
- Custom thumblatch.
- Bean finial thumb latch.
- Custom thumblatch.
- Custom thumblatch.
- Tulip Bud and Tulip finals on strap hinges.
- Custom strap hinges.
- Tulip bud finial strap hinges.
- Strap hinges on a shutter.
- Fish tail strap hinges.
- Gate hinges, Ft. Meigs, Perrysburg, Ohio.
- Singe Gate at Ft. Meigs.
- Rivet plates opposite hinges.
More Information
Small shutter hinges or 6 foot long gate hinges, no problem. Uncertain of design, contact us. Have a design in mind, we can work with your ideas as well. All hardware comes complete with handforged nails and all necessary hardware.
Contact us today!
We welcome your questions and queries. Please see our Contact Us page for complete contact information.